Premium Nigerian jewellery brand, Bland2Glam has introduced a new jewellery campaign featuring 4 key players in the Nigerian media Industry – Abimbola Craig, Idia Aisien, Moet Abebe and Taje Prest. The campaign has been released alongside a new jewellery collection – The “Love Yourself” collection – made exclusively for and by Bland2Glam.
The ‘Love Yourself” jewellery collection was designed particularly for tall and big girls. As most times, jewellery made for the average-sized woman tends to look ill-fitting on tall/big girls and this is why the Bland2Glam design team has decided to give the girls a treat for the holiday.
Through the “Love Yourself” campaign, these 4 inspirational women tell us their different stories about fighting insecurities and channelling their energy towards becoming successful women in their chosen fields. They drive home the fact that confidence makes one more attractive whether in your business or personal lives as they encourage their fans to “LOVE YOURSELF because I LOVE ME”.
As part of the release of this collection, proceeds from the sales will be donated to 4 different charities close to the hearts of these media personalities – Sickle Cell Aid Foundation, Heart of Gold Children’s Hospice, EndoSurvivors Int’l Foundation and BeyondUsualCare respectively.
Click the gallery below to see the lookbook photos.
Brand: @bland2glam
Stylist: @msmodish
Hair: @vavavoom
Makeup: @autographbeauty
Photography: @sunmisola_olorunnisola