Self care can sometimes seem, well, selfish – but as mental health and wellness become less taboo and take centre stage, it’s important to understand that self care can be anything from taking a 30 minute break to catch up on your favourite show, to enjoying a glass of wine with a friend.

As the daily pressures to seem happy, healthy and wealthy even if you aren’t – it is essential that  we place an emphasis on taking the time to check in with ourselves and make sure we aren’t just #TeamFitFam but are actually performing the daily, weekly and monthly self care rituals (whatever form that takes personally), that enable us become the most resilient version of ourselves.

Eight of our  favourite girlbosses, each at different stages in their journey – share with us what self-care means to them and why it is essential we practise it this year.

To me this means taking time regularly and putting my self first ( mind, body and soul ) and realizing that I’m only as great as my health.

For me, self care is a healthy mind, and a healthy body. Get your mind right, positive people around you,  positive vibes, positivity thinking, positive outlook. This goes hand in hand with a healthy body, stay active,  eat right, everything  in moderation; exercise and live your best life!


Self care is accepting owning and being confident of this fact that until I care for myself I can’t and will not have the CAPACITY to care for others, my children or my spouse …I told a set of mums recently that self care is self preservation.

While some people say Self Care is overrated, 2018 seems to be the year of just that … SELF CARE! De-cluttering your mind and thinking only the positives, making the great out of every negative or difficult situation, surrounding yourself with people with what we call “spirit boosters”, and perhaps caring for your soul as well with good religion and beliefs! 2018, the year of Self Care. In with the positives and out with the negatives. Recommended for life, personal relationships & business.

Self care is an expression of self-love. It shows we respect our bodies; from what we choose to put on our face to what we imbibe into our bodies. It’s a holistic all round approach of self awareness and ultimately self-preservation.

Self care is a personal journey, but to me its the daily attitudes and actions we take that contribute to our physical, health and mental wellbeing”

To love yourself, is to love your body. A huge part of loving yourself is being careful what you put in or on it. Take the time to pamper yourself, it’s the best way to tell you “I LOVE YOU.” The more you love and take care of yourself, the more others will treat you better.

Ijeoma : Self-care to me is making a choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from. A life of self fulfillment… body, mind, heart & soul

Chioma : Self-care means focusing on ways to center myself, love myself and focus on self fulfillment.