In the previous years, across the world, Christmas has been a time for boisterous merriment, celebration, travelling, social gatherings, and much more.
Fast-forward to 2020, where the holiday season will be unlike any other in history. The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control is strongly recommending that people do not travel for Christmas except for essential duties.
In other to keep safe during this pandemic, it’s best to celebrate with your nuclear family or individually( instead of in large groups) at home or in a socially distanced outside event. Since this is our new reality, there are so many fun quarantine Christmas activities that will keep this season festive regardless of the situation at hand.
Here are 8 things you can do on Christmas day (even in a pandemic) to make it unforgettable!
Reach out to Family & Friends: You can reach out to the people in your life either by video or voice call. For this season, it’s best to reconnect with everyone, especially those you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Put together a holiday board game: Playing board games like scrabble, monopoly, chess is a relaxing way to spend Christmas with the family indoors.
Host a virtual party: In other to have a feel of what Christmas is supposed to be with your friends and family, you can host a zoom party online.
Make a holiday playlist: Festive soundtracks always sets the mood on Christmas mornings. A playlist should be compiled ahead of time, and then open a bottle of wine to complete the mood.
Movie marathon: Enjoy Christmas by binging on Christmas movies and old movies that will bring out the nostalgia of your childhood in full force, this is a perfect way to spend time and unwind during the festivities.
Attend a socially-distanced outdoor event: You may have an outdoor event during Christmas, it’s best to socially distance and keep a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household. Also, remember to use your nose masks and hand sanitizers.
Mail Gifts: If you’re unable to see your family and friends this season because of safety concerns, you can mail a gift to your loved ones to show them they’re in your thoughts.
Cook a festive meal: This year’s festivities should be centred on cooking a variety of delicious meals, even if you might have fewer people to feed doesn’t mean giving it less effort.
What are you doing this Christmas? Share with us!