The recently rebranded Nigerian Employee of The Year awards exists for the sole reason of celebrating Nigerian employees and acknowledging their hardwork and dedication towards their organizations. This year, the Nigerian Employee of The Year awards went to none other than House of Tara‘s retail operations manager Raliat Abe.
Raliat, who is the farthest thing from a beauty industry rookie as there can be, has worked for Nigerian beauty brand House of Tara for almost a decade and has grown from being just a makeup artist to heading a department with over eighty makeup artists across Nigeria. She was originally nominated into a shortlist of twenty employees which thinned down to a top five then a top three from which Raliat then emerged the winner. Her impact within the House of Tara brand is one that can be felt by just about anyone who is in anyway familiar with the brand. Raliat’s story from her the beginning and right down to winning the Nigerian Employee of The Year awards and getting such nationwide recognition that reminds of how far dedication and hardwork can take a person.
We definitely cannot wait to see pictures from Raliat’s all-expense paid trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi with her HR manager, which is the prize that comes along with her award.