Ghana-based Fashion Social enterprise Studio 189 led by co-founders, Hollywood actress Rosario Dawson and former Bottega Veneta communications executive Abrima Erwiah, was awarded top honours at the event for the CFDA + Lexus Fashion Initiative 2.0 – an annual program, underwritten by the luxury car company, that gives $80,000 to a deserving brand that furthers sustainability in the fashion industry in a profound way.
The five finalists of the nine-month program included Studio 189, Cienne, St. Roche, Whit, and M. Patmos. The design duo was honoured with the top prize for their consistent enthusiasm, passion, and a strong vision to redesign the supply chain and further connect consumers to artisans.
Talking to CFDA, Eriwah said a new collection is already in the works: “We are designing our next collection around principles that we learned in this program. We are designing for circularity in a real way.”
They shared the good news on their Instagram page with the caption:
We WON!! We did it!! We won a CFDA x Lexus fashion award for our work dedicated to sustainability. We did this. did not expect it. We have worked so hard for so long in the trenches in the community… people have given up so much for us and sacrificed so much. We have sacrificed so much. We have been in a 9month long competition with 4 of the best sustainable brands in the industry. @mpatmos @cienne_ny @whit_ny@st_roche . It has been such a blessing to grow with them and compete with them, to learn with them and laugh with them… We were so surprised when they announced #studio189 last night as the winner. 2 women of color creating an authentic brand with its foundation in africa and America helping to promote an ecosystem and economy for the empowerment of people. We are building community. Our community has rallied behind us and been so supportive. EVERYONE. It’s all love and it’s pure heart. It’s magic. We are magic. You are magic. This is the future unfolding in the present. Watch this space. This is only the beginning. We love you. Thank you. #studio189 #fashionrising#cfdaawards #cfda #lexus ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @cfda @lexususa
Congrats Studio 189!