Working professionals usually have different dress codes based on their work environment. Some require full-on corporate clothes while others live in casual outfits from Monday to Friday. Be that as it may, oftentimes people navigating nerve-racking business meetings, working towards a big promotion, a job interview or attending business meetings as entrepreneurs, might find it tricky to put together outfits that would command respect and authority.
Hence, without having to feel pressured to change your entire wardrobe to create your ideal bossy look, below are characteristics of a ‘total boss look’ based on my studies and interactions with senior executives, top entrepreneurs, colleagues etc. in the corporate world, which I currently work in.
1. Have A Signature Style
When it comes to what to wear, a total boss goes for simple and elegant looks. She has mastered her personal style, colour palette, body type and outfits that make her comfortable and confident. For example, when pairing tops and bottoms, they usually work with similar tones of outfits based on a colour palette and how it makes them feel. Typically, they have a signature look. Summarily her outfits exude elegance, sophistication and power.

2. Pull Off A Power Suit
One must-have outfit of a boss is a power suit, known to speak in volumes of confidence and sophistication. Hence, if you find yourself going for that investor meeting or job interview or you recently attained a senior position at the office this should be your first ensemble. Commonly rocked suits by bosses feature longline blazers, long hemlined pants, smart midi skirts that are subtle but still interesting.

3. Accessorise Well
When it comes to accessorising, a bossy look includes statement pieces like handbags and shoes, however, it does not necessarily have to be expensive, it just needs to show good taste, quality and poise on the carrier. With regards to shoes, classic pointed-toe shoes or alternatively pointed slingback heels come highly recommended and comfort is non-negotiable, thus best bets are ¾-inch heels or kitten heels, depending on preference. If you can spend the day in 6-inch heels, you go girl!

4. Have Great Physical Appearance
The physical appearance of a boss is a treasured selling point that should never be taken for granted which covers areas like hair, perfume, jewellery, make up etc. For instance, hair should be sleek, slip and tidy; nails are expected to be well-groomed and clean; makeup must be minimal and natural as possible; clothes must be crisp, that is well ironed or steamed; jewellery should be minimal, as layers and layers of jewellery might be too distracting for a boss etc. Ultimately, all these actions help in creating that unrelenting polished look all bosses seem to naturally possess.

5. Rock Confidence Always
Confidence is the greatest of all the points mentioned above. It is commonly said that between the first 10 seconds of meeting someone you get judged immediately based on your appearance (positively or negatively). Therefore if you find yourself in a position to look like you own it, in order to give that powerful lasting impression, you have to dress the part and importantly exude confidence!