2018 vacation plans loading…

You absolutely DO NOT have to wait until Summer or the end of the year to plan a vacation, why don’t you just start planning now?
One of the most important things when making travel plans (other than from vacation style and outfits of course) is finance and these 5 fashion bloggers (who travelled to Marrakesh) have a few tips to help you save coins on your next holiday trip for 2018.

IamDodos said;
Commit to the trip by either paying for your flight and or accommodation. I was so close to pulling out as the time just didn’t feel right but because I did not want to lose my money, I went ahead and I am so glad I did not cancel.

Fey said;
- Create a travel fund account where you regularly put a fraction of your income monthly
- Substitute the fancy hotel for a lovely Airbnb flat
- The more people you travel with, the less you spend! You’ll save on group activities at tourist sites and activity centres.

Kehinde Smith said;
- Try to book your flight and hotel in advance as it is sometimes cheaper
- Going through a travel agency or agent is not always cheaper, look online for deals yourself, you may find something cheaper.
- Setup a travel savings account that way you know you have set aside funds for your trips and you’re less likely to touch that one [account] because it is separated from your saving account.
- Save a few coins by bringing your own airport snacks and favourite magazines. Snacks at the airport carry a heavy price tag sometimes.
- Try to book a hotel that has a refrigerator, a microwave or a kitchen. You don’t have to wine and dine every single night, cooking a meal with a few items from the market or a grocery store nearby could save you some coins
Nwando said;
- It’s important to save well and plan for a trip to a country like Morocco especially if you want to experience it all! I bought my travel tickets months ago so it was much cheaper than if I had bought it last minute.
- We travelled in a group so it made life easier for everyone because we split all costs by 5 people. I’d say definitely cut costs before your trip and budget about $750-$1,000 for hotels and experiences (minus your ticket).
- Change your dollars at the airport and get a travel card there for free and put bulk of the money in the card so you don’t have too much cash on you.
- Always haggle when buying things because most sellers would give you a ‘tourist price’.

Princess Polo said;
Concerning how much money you need while in Morocco, food & shopping was relatively cheap. With 300 dollars (aside from your travel ticket and accommodation), you can have quite an enjoyable 7 days.